The history of transportation in Missouri
January 15 – 6 pm/the Orris theater
Sponsored by Riverside Landscaping
Jesse Francis – Presenter
Francis is currently the St. Louis County Parks Cultural Site Manager,
who also did extensive research for various projects in Ste. Genevieve
Jesse Francis, a story teller at heart, will tell the history of trails and road development in the state of Missouri going back to native paths. Hear the history of the Three Notch Road by Salts Spring; Iron Mountain Plank road–the longest plank road built in Missouri; and the King’s Highway.
He’ll tell us about some fascinating people from the past who were connected with railroads, bridges, and transportation. For instance, what took James Eads so long to build the Eads Bridge, and why does it have such high arches?
He might even throw us a curve and talk about some of the French structures in Ste. Genevieve.
You’ll take away dozens of tidbits of Missouri history!